The Subtle Body Speaks
This podcast allows the subtle body to have the floor. With engagement from practitioners, thought-leaders, and health professionals the audience will learn about resources and tools that can help them heal their body through the route of the subtle body and the somatic lens.
The Subtle Body Speaks
Separation Speaks
August 11, 2022
Taylor Spero
This episode I am joined with my (ex)partner and we ask the subject of Separation to take the floor. The raw and vulnerable intimacy of this episode is such a gift to share with my listeners. Even through an ending of a ten-year relationship; I still feel inspired in the love that Jared and I have for one another. Endings are inevitable--whether through death or divorce--so what if we could navigate the inevitable consciously? What would it feel like to be in your heart through the emotional processes like grief, anger, and distain? These are just a few of the questions I prompt us to lean into as we share our hearts, our story, and our love.
You can read more about our 'uncoiling' on IG @thesomaticmystic.